Burgess BioPower, LLC

  1. April 16, 2024

    Retired Judge Carey Dies, Fraudster Charged, Diocese Bails

    The bankruptcy bench in Delaware lost a well-respected colleague, retired Judge Kevin J. Carey, while federal court officials made good on efforts to root out fraud in the nation's bankruptcy courts, and a New York Catholic diocese moved to end its Chapter 11 case without a reorganization plan after abuse claimants roundly rejected its proposal.

  2. April 15, 2024

    NH Power Plant Co. Can Send Dual-Path Ch. 11 Plan To A Vote

    The operator of a New Hampshire power plant fueled by scrap wood can seek creditors' approval of its Chapter 11 proposal, through which the debtor would either sell its assets or hand ownership of the reorganized business to lenders, a Delaware bankruptcy judge ruled Monday.

  3. February 27, 2024

    NH Power Plant Gets OK On Purchaser Settlement In Ch. 11

    Bankrupt New Hampshire power plant Burgess Biopower LLC will receive a $3.35 million payment from a power purchaser that allegedly withheld money it owed last year, reaching a settlement agreement between the parties that won a Delaware federal judge's blessing on Tuesday.

  4. February 23, 2024

    NH Plant Strikes Deal On Power Purchase Contract

    A bankrupt New Hampshire power plant reached terms on a deal Friday with an entity whose contract to purchase the facility's power was rejected earlier this week, telling a Delaware federal judge the agreement will help quickly transition to a new purchaser and stave off a shutdown of the plant.

  5. February 21, 2024

    NH Power Plant Can Reject Electric Purchase Deal In Ch. 11

    Bankrupt electricity generating station Burgess Biopower LLC received court approval Wednesday from a Delaware judge to reject a power purchase agreement with a party the debtor claims was withholding payments and creating a financial situation where the station was in danger of shutting down permanently.