Christian Employers Alliance v. United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission et al

  1. April 09, 2024

    Judge Clarifies Scope Of EEOC Trans Care Coverage Ban

    A North Dakota federal judge clarified an injunction Tuesday that blocks the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission from requiring a Christian business group's members to provide gender transition-related healthcare coverage, finding the agency won't be penalized if it goes after one of the group's members unknowingly.

  2. March 22, 2024

    EEOC Seeks Clarity On Scope Of Trans Care Coverage Ban

    The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission asked a North Dakota federal judge Friday to amend an order blocking the government from requiring a Christian business group's members to provide gender transition-related healthcare coverage, seeking clarification that the government won't be penalized for unknowingly going after the group's anonymous members.

  3. March 04, 2024

    Christian Group Nabs Injunction In EEOC Trans Care Suit

    A North Dakota federal judge said Monday a Christian business group's members no longer have to provide coverage for gender transition care because it violates their religious beliefs, granting the group a key win in its suit challenging the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's take on federal anti-discrimination law.

  4. December 15, 2023

    Christian Biz Group Presses For Early Win On Trans Coverage

    A Christian business association has urged a North Dakota federal judge to grant it partial summary judgment because the federal government failed to refute its evidence in a lawsuit challenging whether agencies have a right to require businesses to offer insurance for gender transition services. 

  5. December 01, 2023

    Feds Say Biz Group Lacks Standing In Trans Coverage Suit

    The Biden administration has hit back at a Christian business association's attempt to block its policy requiring businesses to offer insurance for gender transition procedures, saying the group lacks standing for having failed to allege specific harms suffered by its members.

  6. November 17, 2023

    Feds Denied Stay In Challenge To Trans Health Coverage

    A North Dakota federal judge denied federal agencies' motion to pause a business group's suit seeking to block the government from requiring Christian employers and health care providers to cover gender transition surgery, finding Friday that the agencies' progress toward issuing related regulations didn't justify a halt in proceedings.

  7. November 15, 2023

    EEOC Says Transition Surgery Suit Should Wait For New Rule

    The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and another agency asked a North Dakota federal court to pause a suit seeking to block them from requiring Christian employers and health care providers to cover gender transition surgery, saying new regulations are in the offing.

  8. October 27, 2023

    Christian Cos. Seek Win In ND Trans Insurance Suit

    A Christian business group has asked a North Dakota federal judge to rule in its favor on key claims in its lawsuit seeking to block federal agencies from requiring businesses to offer health insurance that covers gender transition procedures.

  9. May 27, 2022

    Legal Battles Pile Up Over Trans Worker Health Benefits

    Transgender people claiming that benefits denials violate anti-discrimination laws, as well as employers and health care providers that say covering gender-confirmation surgery would violate their religious beliefs, have launched lawsuits in federal court seeking rulings on the scope of their rights. Here's a look at five cases hinging on trans worker health coverage that lawyers should keep an eye on.

  10. May 17, 2022

    Judge Says Cos. Don't Have To Cover Gender Transition Care

    A North Dakota federal judge barred the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Department of Health and Human Services from requiring Christian employers and health care providers to cover gender transition surgery, siding with a religious group that said the government's interpretation of discrimination law conflicts with its beliefs.