Covington Specialty Insurance Company v. G & G Farms, Inc. et al

  1. October 02, 2023

    Magistrate Judge Wrong To Suggest Dismissal, Insurer Says

    An insurer objected to a magistrate judge's recommendation that its Oklahoma federal court lawsuit be dismissed in favor of an underlying fire damage suit, arguing that the other parties in the state court action engaged in "gamesmanship" to keep the coverage dispute out of the insurer's chosen venue.

  2. September 15, 2023

    State Court Should Decide Fire Coverage Dispute, Judge Says

    Coverage issues stemming from underlying residential fire damage claims against a plumbing company and homebuilder should be litigated in state court, an Oklahoma magistrate judge said, recommending the dismissal of Covington Specialty Insurance Co.'s federal declaratory action.

  3. January 23, 2023

    Insurer Seeks To Keep Fire Coverage Row In Federal Court

    Covington Specialty Insurance Co. urged an Oklahoma federal court to allow its declaratory action over underlying residential fire damage claims against a plumbing company and homebuilder to remain in federal court, arguing that litigating coverage issues in state court would not fully resolve the insurance dispute.