National Wildlife Federation et al v. National Marine Fisheries Service et al

  1. February 09, 2024

    Ore. Dam Can Be Reviewed In 5 Years, Judge Says

    An Oregon federal district court judge handed down a five-year pause on a decades-old lawsuit over the Columbia River System dams' hydropower practices, saying a stay best serves the orderly course of justice in litigation that's rife with complex issues.

  2. December 15, 2023

    Parties Want To Revisit Ore. Dam Review In 5 Years

    The states of Oregon and Washington, as well as a coalition of green groups and Native American tribes, have entered into a joint agreement with the federal government to pause their lawsuit over hydropower practices on the Columbia River until 2029, as the parties begin restoring salmon habitats.

  3. October 22, 2021

    Truce Reached In Fight Over Oregon Hydropower Operations

    Oregon and a coalition of green groups and Native American tribes agreed Thursday to pause their lawsuit against the federal government over hydropower practices on the Columbia River as the parties work toward a settlement of the long-running litigation.

  4. July 19, 2021

    Ore. Warns More Dam Water Must Be Released To Protect Fish

    Oregon and a group of environmental advocates have urged a federal court to force the U.S. government to release more water through a series of eight dams along the Columbia and Snake rivers, saying immediate action must be taken to protect endangered fish.

  5. February 25, 2021

    Spokane Tribe Says Dams Block Fish And Destroy Culture

    The Spokane Tribe of Indians told an Oregon federal judge Thursday that the Grand Coulee Dam is "nothing short of an attempt to permanently destroy a culture" by blocking fish migration while also threatening endangered species such as Southern Resident killer whales.

  6. January 20, 2021

    Enviros Say Feds Flopped Again With Ore. Dam Review

    Environmental groups have asked an Oregon federal court to throw out the federal government's approval of the continued operation of a dam system in the Columbia and Snake rivers, saying the Trump administration hurried its environmental analysis and didn't properly weigh the project's impact on endangered fish.

  7. December 18, 2018

    Gov't Agrees To Dam Water Release In Fish Protection Row

    Washington state and several federal agencies have reached a deal with Oregon and the Nez Perce Tribe to ensure that endangered salmon and steelhead can traverse the Columbia River basin while the government works on a new environmental analysis regarding dams in the waterway, according to a Tuesday announcement.

  8. March 28, 2017

    Feds Ordered To Release More Water For Vulnerable Fish

    An Oregon federal judge ruled Monday that, beginning in the spring of 2018, the U.S. government must boost water releases over spillways at a series of eight dams along the Columbia and Snake rivers in an effort to increase the survival of threatened salmon and steelhead that migrate up and down the waterways.

  9. June 21, 2016

    Oregon, Enviros, Tribe Oppose Feds' Salmon Plan Schedule

    The National Wildlife Federation, the state of Oregon, and the Nez Perce Tribe on Friday asked a federal judge to reject the U.S. government's proposed timeline for an analysis of salmon health on the Columbia River as too slow, and pushed for a faster review.

  10. May 05, 2016

    Ore. Strikes Down Feds' Columbia River Salmon Analysis

    An Oregon federal court on Wednesday shot down — for the fourth time — the National Marine Fisheries Service's determination that hydroelectric dams and reservoirs along the Columbia River aren't further harming the endangered and threatened salmon species in the region.