Palisades Estates EOM, LLC et al v. County of Rockland, New York et al

  1. January 01, 2024

    Hospitality Cases And Trends To Watch In 2024

    People in the hospitality industry work to project the image that they enjoy nothing more than making customers happy and serving them tirelessly, but the reality can be a darker one — especially in courts of law and at regulatory agencies, where issues involving hotels, restaurants and other businesses reveal what goes on behind the scenes.

  2. October 30, 2023

    NY Cities Want Hotels' Suit To House Refugees Tossed

    Five New York towns have asked a federal court to dismiss a lawsuit lodged by several hotels accusing local governments of violating the U.S. Constitution by banning the businesses from offering temporary lodging to migrants and refugees, saying the case improperly lumps federal claims with state-level issues.

  3. August 11, 2023

    NY Hotels Seek Early Judgment In Refugee Hosting Suit

    A group of New York hotels filed a motion in federal court this week seeking a preliminary injunction to stop local governments' efforts to prevent them from accommodating migrants seeking asylum in the U.S.

  4. June 15, 2023

    NY County Says Refugee Hosting Ban Suit Is 'Moot'

    Allegany County, New York, has asked a federal court to toss several hotels' allegations against it in a lawsuit alleging multiple New York counties illegally catered to "xenophobic political interests" by banning the businesses from offering lodging to migrant refugees.

  5. May 23, 2023

    Hotels Sue NY Counties Over Bans On Refugee Hosting

    Several hotels have sued multiple New York counties in federal court over executive orders seeking to ban them from offering temporary lodging to migrant refugees, claiming that the government entities are illegally catering to xenophobic political interests.