Zani v. Rite Aid Corporation

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Case overview

Case Number:



New York Southern

Nature of Suit:

Other Statutory Actions

Multi Party Litigation:

Class Action


Alison J. Nathan



Sectors & Industries:

  1. March 31, 2017

    Rite-Aid Beats TCPA Suit Over Flu Shot Reminder Calls

    A New York federal judge on Thursday tossed out a proposed class action that alleged Rite Aid violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act by sending prerecorded flu shot reminder notices to consumers’ cellphones, delaying release of the opinion until the parties propose redactions due to confidential information.

  2. June 03, 2016

    Rite Aid Says It's Immune From Flu-Shot TCPA Suit

    Rite Aid again urged a New York federal judge Friday to toss a proposed class action claiming that it illegally called consumers on their cellphones to remind them to get a flu shot, arguing that even if the calls had a marketing purpose, they're still health care-related and thus allowed.

  3. March 28, 2016

    Rite Aid Says Consent Not Needed For Flu Shot Call

    Rite Aid has told a New York federal judge that it didn't need consent from a consumer leading a proposed class action accusing the pharmacy chain of violating the Telephone Consumer Protection Act to place a call reminding him about getting a flu shot.

  4. December 23, 2014

    Rite Aid Customer Seeks Class Cert. In Telemarketing Suit

    A Rite Aid Corp. customer suing the pharmacy in New York for making unsolicited phone calls to customers moved Monday for class certification, saying the company used the same technology to deliver nearly identical messages to thousands of consumers across the country.