RLI Insurance Company v. Langan Engineering, Environmental, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, D.P.C.

  1. September 12, 2019

    Consulting Co. Dodges Some Claims In Tower Sinking Suit

    A California federal judge on Wednesday trimmed fraud and negligent misrepresentation claims from a suit alleging a New Jersey-based engineering and environmental consulting company repeatedly failed to disclose that it knew San Francisco's Millennium Tower was sinking.

  2. June 18, 2019

    Engineer Looks To Scuttle Insurer's Sinking Tower Suit

    A New Jersey-based engineering and environmental consulting company told a California federal judge on Monday an insurer waited too long to bring its suit claiming the consulting company repeatedly failed to disclose that it knew San Francisco's Millennium Tower was sinking.

  3. April 16, 2019

    Insurer Says Engineer Withheld Info About SF Tower Sinking

    An Illinois-based insurance company slapped an engineering and environmental consulting company with a suit in California federal court Monday, accusing the company of repeatedly failing to disclose that it knew San Francisco's Millennium Tower was sinking.