City of Costa Mesa, California, Petitioner v. SoCal Recovery, LLC, et al.

  1. November 20, 2023

    High Court Won't Hear Calif. Sober Living Zoning Question

    The U.S. Supreme Court said Monday it won't consider a Southern California city's appeal of a ruling that sober living home operators do not have to prove each of their residents is disabled to qualify for exemptions from zoning laws.

  2. November 01, 2023

    City Sees Circuit Split In Evaluating Sober Home Disabilities

    A California city that wants the U.S. Supreme Court to review a challenge to zoning restrictions on sober living homes questioned the home operators' assertion that there is no circuit court split on how to determine whether residents are disabled.

  3. October 18, 2023

    No Conflict For Justices To Review, Calif. Sober Homes Say

    Two sober living home operators that were forced to close due to a California city's zoning rules urged the U.S. Supreme Court not to hear the city's appeal of a Ninth Circuit ruling that found in the homes' favor.

  4. July 26, 2023

    Calif. City Urges Justices To Review Sober Living Zoning Suit

    A California city is seeking theĀ U.S. Supreme Court's guidance in a case involving two sober living home operators that want to keep their current locations after the city denied special permits that would have exempted them from existing zoning ordinances.