American Petroleum Institute, et al., Petitioners v. Minnesota

  1. January 08, 2024

    Justices Reject Fresh Bid To Review Climate Change Torts

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined another chance to determine whether climate change torts lodged by state and local governments belong in federal court, rejecting a petition from fossil fuel companies to review the state court remand of Minnesota's climate fraud suit.

  2. November 09, 2023

    Exxon Climate Suit Could Fix A Circuit Split, Justices Told

    ExxonMobil Corp., Koch Industries Inc. and the American Petroleum Institute told the U.S. Supreme Court it must decide whether Minnesota's climate change fraud suit belongs in federal court, saying the state is asking the justices to ignore a clear circuit split on the issue.

  3. October 23, 2023

    Exxon Climate Suit Not Federal Matter, Minn. Tells Justices

    Minnesota urged the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday to reject ExxonMobil Corp., Koch Industries Inc. and the American Petroleum Institute's attempt to overturn the Eighth Circuit's determination that the state's climate change fraud suit belongs in state court.

  4. September 29, 2023

    Energy Cases To Watch This Supreme Court Term

    There's plenty on the U.S. Supreme Court's plate this term to interest the energy sector, including a pair of blockbuster cases that could reshape administrative law as well as potential fights over clean energy and transmission development. Here are the energy-related cases the Supreme Court will consider this term.

  5. September 25, 2023

    Business Groups Urge Justices To Review Minn. Climate Suit

    The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and National Association of Manufacturers were among a slew of parties that urged high court justices to review a petition from ExxonMobil and other oil interests trying to get Minnesota's climate change suit against them kicked to federal court.

  6. September 22, 2023

    Enviro Cases To Watch This Supreme Court Term

    The U.S. Supreme Court has already agreed to review two cases with important implications for environmental and administrative law during its 2023 term, and several more litigants are seeking the justices' attention on issues ranging from financial responsibility for Superfund cleanups to whether the federal government properly estimated the social costs of greenhouse gases.

  7. August 22, 2023

    Justices Asked To Review Minn. Climate Suit Remand

    ExxonMobil Corp., Koch Industries Inc. and the American Petroleum Institute want the U.S. Supreme Court to review the Eighth Circuit's determination that Minnesota's climate change fraud suit belongs in state court, despite the justices' recent refusal to grant similar requests to step into climate tort litigation.