Donald J. Trump, Petitioner v. United States

  1. June 01, 2024

    Blockbuster Summer: 10 Big Issues Justices Still Must Decide

    As the calendar flips over to June, the U.S. Supreme Court still has heaps of cases to decide on issues ranging from trademark registration rules to judicial deference and presidential immunity. Here, Law360 looks at 10 of the most important topics the court has yet to decide.

  2. April 25, 2024

    Justices Skeptical Of Trump's Absolute Immunity Bid

    A majority of the U.S. Supreme Court appeared open Thursday to the idea of limited immunity for former presidents related to the office's core constitutional powers, but divisions emerged among the justices over how to determine when acts outside of that narrow category are potentially subject to criminal prosecution.

  3. April 24, 2024

    Meet The Attorneys Arguing Trump's Immunity At High Court

    A Missouri solicitor general-turned-law firm founder will square off Thursday against a U.S. solicitor general's office veteran who is a member of an elite group of U.S. Supreme Court bar attorneys in a special oral argument session over former President Donald Trump's bid for immunity from federal criminal charges alleging he interfered in the 2020 presidential election.

  4. April 19, 2024

    Up Next At High Court: Abortions & Presidential Immunity

    The U.S. Supreme Court will return Monday for the term's final week of oral arguments, during which it will consider several high-stakes disputes, including whether a federal healthcare law can preempt state abortion bans and whether former President Donald Trump is entitled to immunity from criminal charges related to official acts.

  5. April 15, 2024

    Trump Tells Justices Impeachment Required For Prosecution

    Former President Donald Trump told the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday that the "inevitably and unavoidably" political nature of prosecuting a former president requires input from Congress, arguing the U.S. Constitution's framers carefully wrote the impeachment clause to act as an initial hurdle for criminal prosecutions.

  6. April 09, 2024

    In Trump Case, Justices Get Reminded Presidents Aren't Kings

    Former President Donald Trump's bid for absolute presidential immunity from criminal prosecution flies in the face of a major feature of the U.S. Constitution, and would create novel obstacles for the military and the economy, backers of special counsel Jack Smith have told the U.S. Supreme Court.

  7. April 08, 2024

    Feds Tell Justices Trump's Immunity Bid Would Upset Framers

    Former President Donald Trump's claim to absolute presidential immunity from criminal charges related to official acts contradicts the text and intent of the U.S. Constitution and would've been "anathema" to the document's framers, special counsel John L. "Jack" Smith told the U.S. Supreme Court late Monday.

  8. March 21, 2024

    Trump Misquotes Justices In Immunity Case's Opening Brief

    Former President Donald Trump invoked the writings of three sitting U.S. Supreme Court justices in a brief Tuesday to argue that former presidents are absolutely immune from criminal prosecution. Yet the cited opinions and papers actually express the opposite theories from what he claims — a miscue attorneys say could backfire on him.

  9. March 19, 2024

    Trump Allies Say DC Circ. Gave Partisan Attys 'A Loaded Gun'

    The D.C. Circuit's rejection of former President Donald Trump's purported immunity from indictment will trigger "the complete partisan weaponization of criminal law" and empower officeholders to "clear the field of their political rivals," supporters of the beleaguered ex-president told the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday.

  10. March 19, 2024

    Trump Asks Supreme Court For Absolute Criminal Immunity

    Former President Donald Trump implored the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday to find that former presidents are absolutely immune from criminal charges related to official acts, warning the court that its adoption of a fact-specific test could appear as a "gerrymandered ruling tailored to deprive" him alone of immunity.