Thomas More Law Center v. Rob Bonta

  1. March 29, 2019

    Split 9th Circ. Nixes Koch Bros. Foundation's Donor List Fight

    In a published decision Friday, a split en banc Ninth Circuit declined to reconsider an earlier ruling upholding a California rule requiring charitable organizations to disclose to the state information on their biggest donors, much to the chagrin of two conservative advocacy groups, including one founded by the Koch brothers.

  2. September 26, 2018

    Groups Ask 9th Circ. To Rethink Calif. Donor List Requirement

    Two conservative advocacy groups, including one founded by the Koch brothers, have urged the full Ninth Circuit to reconsider holding that the California attorney general can require nonprofits to hand over lists of their biggest donors, saying the decision flouts precedent and raises important First Amendment concerns.