Donald J. Trump, et al., Petitioners v. Deutsche Bank AG, et al.

  1. February 06, 2020

    Trump Accounting Firm Tells Justices It'll Skip Subpoena Row

    President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm has told the U.S. Supreme Court the firm would not weigh in on his appeals over the validity of subpoenas from a U.S. House committee and the Manhattan district attorney seeking his financial records.

  2. February 03, 2020

    Trump Subpoenas Invalid, Conservative Group Tells Justices

    The U.S. Supreme Court should invalidate subpoenas requesting President Donald Trump's tax and financial information because the founders of the country did not grant Congress such broad, sweeping investigatory powers, a conservative law nonprofit told justices Monday.

  3. January 28, 2020

    Congress Doesn't Need Trump Financial Docs, Justices Told

    House Democrats seeking President Donald Trump's banking and financial records from his accounting firm and Deutsche Bank lack the authority to do so, and their subpoenas requesting such information should be nullified, Trump's attorneys told the U.S. Supreme Court.

  4. December 20, 2019

    Top Federal Tax Cases Of 2019

    From President Donald Trump’s attempts to keep his tax returns private to a fight over how much courts should defer to IRS rulings, 2019 saw federal courts decide several cases with important tax implications. Here, Law360 reviews top federal tax decisions from the past year.