USA v. Jeffrey Page

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Case overview

Case Number:



Appellate - 9th Circuit

Nature of Suit:

2870 Tax Suits

  1. May 17, 2023

    9th Circ. Urged To Allow Recovery of Mistaken $491K Refund

    A man who mistakenly received nearly half a million dollarsĀ from the Internal Revenue Service should be forced to return the money, the federal government told the Ninth Circuit on Wednesday, rejecting his claim that the government ran out of time to collect.

  2. March 07, 2023

    IRS Can't Sue Over Mistaken $491K Refund, Man Tells 9th Circ.

    A man who mistakenly received a payment from the Internal Revenue Service of nearly half a million dollars told the Ninth Circuit that the government missedĀ its chance to get the money back, saying the statute of limitations for the case has expired.