Washburn Law, PLLC

  1. March 04, 2024

    NC Law Firm CEO Dies In Crash Amid Stolen Funds Probe

    The CEO of North Carolina-based real estate law firm Washburn Law PLLC, which declared bankruptcy in the midst of an ongoing investigation into millions of dollars in stolen client funds, died in a car crash Saturday.

  2. September 14, 2023

    NC Firm's Founder, Atty Deny Role In Missing Funds

    The founder and former managing partner of a now-bankrupt North Carolina real estate law firm and a lawyer who practiced there denied any involvement with millions of dollars in missing client funds a trustee, the FBI and the state bar are now probing.

  3. August 07, 2023

    NC Lawyer Liable For Stolen Client Money, Trustee Says

    The founder of a now-defunct North Carolina-based real estate law firm approved, directed and later tried to hide improper wire transfers of millions of dollars in client funds, which the firm's non-attorney CEO used to pay for cars, investments and "women," among other things, according to a court-appointed bankruptcy trustee.

  4. April 03, 2023

    Google Fights Data Request In NC Firm Client Money Probe

    Google pushed back Monday against a bankruptcy trustee's request to access the account data for a North Carolina-based real estate law firm that is facing an FBI investigation over more than $6 million in missing client money.

  5. March 03, 2023

    NC Firm Founder, CEO Trade Claims Of Theft Amid FBI Probe

    The founder of a North Carolina real estate law firm and the firm's CEO are pointing fingers at one another as the FBI investigates millions of dollars in client money missing from the firm's trust account.

  6. February 14, 2023

    NC Law Firm's Clients Urged To File Claims For Missing Funds

    The bankruptcy trustee for a North Carolina real estate law firm under investigation for allegedly mishandling a trust account is urging the firm's clients to come forward and file claims for their missing funds.