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Tax Court Cancels Trials, Closes Building, Citing Coronavirus

By Theresa Schliep · 2020-03-16 18:44:44 -0400

The U.S. Tax Court has canceled trial sessions scheduled for March and April and closed its Washington, D.C., location to visitors, citing public health concerns behind the novel coronavirus, according to recent announcements.

The Tax Court said on Wednesday and Friday that it's canceling trials in March and April, including those scheduled in cities hardest hit by COVID-19, such as Seattle and New York City. It's also closing its Washington, D.C., location, citing travel and public health advisories. 

The Tax Court will continue processing mail and receiving petitions, the court said Friday. It announced March 10 that the Tax Court would reschedule some trials if people had certain symptoms associated with the new coronavirus, and limited the number of people who could be in a courtroom at one time.

--Editing by Neil Cohen.

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