Texas et al v. United States of America et al

  1. August 31, 2018

    Health Care Cases To Watch In 2018's Home Stretch

    Momentous developments in litigation involving Medicare Advantage, the Affordable Care Act and the False Claims Act are likely in the closing months of 2018. Here, Law360 runs through key health care cases to watch.

  2. July 16, 2018

    Trump Shouldn't Be Sure Kavanaugh Will Derail ACA

    If D.C. Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh joins the U.S. Supreme Court, he could be a pivotal vote in a major Affordable Care Act case, but his apparent views on the case's central legal question make him far from a sure bet to rule against the law.

  3. June 22, 2018

    In His Own Words: How Texas Judge Is Mulling ACA Case

    A once-obscure Texas federal judge who rocketed to prominence after being handpicked to hear lawsuits against the Obama administration is now overseeing his biggest case yet: an existential challenge to the Affordable Care Act. In an interview with Law360, U.S. District Judge Reed O'Connor explained how he's approaching the momentous legal battle.

  4. June 19, 2018

    Meet The Judge Who Will Decide The ACA's Fate

    The Texas federal judge presiding over the latest legal assault on the Affordable Care Act has a BigLaw background, Capitol Hill connections, deep roots in the Lone Star State and a judicial track record that could send ACA supporters reaching for bottles of Xanax.

  5. June 14, 2018

    Insurers, Doctors, Hospitals Assail GOP's New ACA Challenge

    More than two dozen trade groups representing insurers, medical providers, hospitals and consumers on Thursday told a Texas federal judge the country's entire health care sector would be thrown into chaos if the court strikes down the Affordable Care Act's pre-existing condition protections.

  6. June 07, 2018

    Trump Admin. Backs GOP's Latest Anti-ACA Suit

    The Trump administration on Thursday largely endorsed the GOP's latest legal assault on the Affordable Care Act, telling a Texas federal court that it agrees that the landmark law's individual mandate is now unconstitutional and that key parts of the ACA must be invalidated as a result.

  7. May 16, 2018

    Democratic AGs Can Fight Latest Anti-ACA Suit, Judge Says

    A squadron of Democratic attorneys general can swoop into a new, Republican-backed legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act's constitutionality and fight the case, a Texas federal judge ruled Wednesday.

  8. April 09, 2018

    Democratic AGs Wade Into Fight Over Future Of ACA

    Democratic attorneys general from 16 states and the District of Columbia asked to intervene in a lawsuit aiming to put an end to the Affordable Care Act, telling a Texas federal judge Monday that their states stand to lose around $500 billion if the challenge to the law is successful.

  9. February 27, 2018

    Latest ACA Assault Has Fighting Chance Despite Clear Flaws

    The latest legal effort to demolish the Affordable Care Act by targeting the law's individual mandate has realistic odds of gaining traction despite some likely problems with its arguments.

  10. February 26, 2018

    20 AGs Sue To Toss What's Left Of Obamacare

    A 20-state coalition filed suit in Texas federal court Monday seeking to put a final end to the Affordable Care Act, saying since the Trump administration eliminated the individual mandate penalty, the law's remainder "must fall," including requirements for minimum benefits and state insurance exchanges.