City of East St. Louis v. Netflix, Inc. et al

  1. September 23, 2022

    Illinois Judge Cancels City's Streaming Service Fees Suit

    An Illinois federal judge on Friday permanently tossed a St. Louis suburb's lawsuit seeking fees from Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, YouTube and eight other video streaming services for operating within its boundaries, ruling the city had no authority under state law to bring its claims.

  2. January 31, 2022

    Netflix, DirecTV Want Ill. City's Franchise Fees Suit Tossed

    Five streaming service providers are asking a federal judge to toss an Illinois city's suit seeking fees from the providers for their services, arguing that a state video service authorization law applies only to companies that put down wires on public rights-of-way.

  3. November 05, 2021

    Hulu, Disney Seek Escape From Ill. City's Franchise Fees Suit

    Hulu and Disney asked an Illinois federal judge on Friday to toss claims lodged against them and other streaming services by East St. Louis, Illinois, accusing them of avoiding paying government fees, arguing that the obligation to pay franchise fees for crossing public rights-of-way doesn't apply to wireless streaming services.

  4. June 10, 2021

    Ill. City Goes After Netflix, Hulu Over Franchise Fees

    East St. Louis, Illinois, became the latest city to accuse Hulu and Netflix of illegally providing video service in its city limits by failing to comply with a state law and register as a franchise and pay fees for use of public rights-of-way.