Utica Mutual Insurance Company v. Munich Reinsurance America, In

  1. July 29, 2021

    2nd Circ. Sides With Reinsurers In Asbestos Coverage Suits

    The Second Circuit on Thursday dashed Utica Mutual Insurance Co.'s efforts in two separate cases to obtain additional reimbursement for its coverage of a wave of asbestos litigation against a pump manufacturer, saying Utica's reinsurers were only required to cover defense costs within umbrella policy limits.

  2. October 16, 2020

    Reinsurer Wants 2nd Circ. To Stop Asbestos Billing Appeal

    Munich Reinsurance America Inc. is urging the Second Circuit to uphold a ruling finding that it does not owe Utica Mutual Insurance Co. $2.7 million in expenses stemming from asbestos verdicts, saying the lower court was correct in finding its reinsurance agreement didn't include those costs.