American Zurich Insurance Company et al v. Palmer et al

  1. November 27, 2023

    Judge Stands On Ruling To Toss Insurer's Claim Against Atty

    A South Dakota court will not reconsider its decision to trim an insurer's breach of fiduciary duty claim against a law firm on the grounds that the insurer failed to provide expert testimony as required by state law, a federal judge ruled.

  2. September 11, 2023

    Former Zurich Atty Escapes Bulk Of Botched Settlement Suit

    A onetime counsel for American Zurich Insurance Co. has dodged the majority of malpractice claims filed against him by the insurer over a bungled settlement in an underlying suit, after a South Dakota federal judge determined Zurich missed the statute of repose for one of its arguments and failed to provide expert analysis for another.