Seifert et al v. IMT Insurance Company

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Case overview

Case Number:




Nature of Suit:


Multi Party Litigation:

Class Action


John R. Tunheim


  1. June 02, 2021

    Minn. Judge Says Virus Exclusion No Bar To Closure Orders

    A Minnesota federal judge on Wednesday ruled that IMT Insurance Co. must face a hair salon's COVID-19 business interruption coverage suit, saying extending the policy's virus exclusion to include government closure orders would go "too far."

  2. October 19, 2020

    Minnesota Hair Salon Loses Bid For COVID-19 Loss Coverage

    A Minnesota federal judge has granted IMT Insurance Co.'s bid to toss a hair salon's suit seeking coverage for lost income from COVID-19 shutdowns, saying the state's law doesn't recognize coverage for mere loss of use of the property without actual contamination.