LifeWatch Services Inc v. Highmark Inc, et al

  1. November 19, 2021

    3rd Circ. Sinks Heart Monitor Co.'s BCBS Antitrust Case

    The Third Circuit has released Blue Cross Blue Shield from heart monitoring device maker LifeWatch Services Inc.'s antitrust suit accusing the company and several of its associated health plans of conspiring to deny patients insurance coverage for certain LifeWatch products, ruling that Blue Cross is immune from the claims.

  2. October 01, 2021

    3rd Circ. Preview: Insurance Drives Ch. 11, Antitrust Cases

    Insurance matters figure largely in the Third Circuit's October argument lineup, which will find panels examining Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP's involvement in future asbestos litigation claims and delving into Blue Cross's denial of heart monitor coverage.