Julie Greenbank v. Great American Assurance Comp

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Case overview

Case Number:



Appellate - 7th Circuit

Nature of Suit:

4110 Insurance

  1. January 06, 2023

    The 5 Strangest Insurance Cases Of 2022

    Insurance protects policyholders from unforeseen situations, but some circumstances are so strange that even insurers could not have predicted them.

  2. August 31, 2022

    7th Circ. Clears Insurer In Dispute Over Horse Euthanasia

    An insurer acted reasonably in refusing to euthanize a show horse under a mortality policy, the Seventh Circuit said, agreeing with a lower court that the carrier wasn't required to consider the horse owner's preference that the animal be put down rather than lose its athletic prowess.

  3. December 02, 2021

    7th Circ. Urged To Make Insurer Pay In Horse Dispute

    A horse owner told the Seventh Circuit her insurer unreasonably refused to approve a horse's euthanization to avoid paying a mortality policy, urging the panel to reverse a lower court's holding that the insurer did not need to consider her wishes when treating the horse.