TP Racing LLLP v. American Home Assurance Co.

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Case overview

Case Number:



Appellate - 9th Circuit

Nature of Suit:

3110 Insurance


Sectors & Industries:

  1. June 02, 2023

    9th Circ. Rejects Ariz. Racetrack's COVID Coverage Appeal

    The Ninth Circuit sided with an AIG unit in a COVID-19 pandemic coverage appeal from the owner of an Arizona horse racing track, finding the company's policy contained a contaminant exclusion that barred coverage for all claims related to viruses.

  2. May 09, 2022

    AIG Unit Tells 9th Circ. COVID Didn't Damage Racetrack

    An AIG insurance unit told the Ninth Circuit that the presence of COVID-19 at an Arizona horse racetrack did not qualify it for coverage of its business losses during the pandemic.