Davina Hurt, et al v. Commerce Energy, Inc., et al

  1. June 22, 2021

    Courts Can't Agree On FLSA's Door-To-Door Seller Exemption

    The U.S. Supreme Court may have let a circuit split persist when it recently declined to weigh in on a Fair Labor Standards Act exemption for door-to-door sellers. Here, Law360 reviews the patchwork of interpretations of the outside salesperson carveout.

  2. September 30, 2020

    6th Circ. Leaves Workers' FLSA Win Against Energy Co. Intact

    The Sixth Circuit on Wednesday rejected energy conglomerate Just Energy's bid for the court to reconsider a split panel's ruling that a class of employees who hawk its energy products door-to-door is covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

  3. September 15, 2020

    Energy Co. Asks Full 6th Circ. To Hear FLSA Class Action

    Energy conglomerate Just Energy asked the full Sixth Circuit to reconsider a divided panel's ruling that a class of employees is covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act, arguing the majority flouted U.S. Supreme Court precedent and created an untenable circuit split with its interpretation of an exemption for outside salespeople.

  4. August 31, 2020

    Split 6th Circ. Says Energy Co. Workers Not FLSA Exempt

    A split Sixth Circuit panel ruled Monday that a class of Just Energy employees is covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act, with the majority sweeping aside the energy conglomerate's argument that the employees were "outside salesmen" exempt from the FLSA.