Confederacion Hipica de PR, et al v. Confederacion de Jinetes PR, et al

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Case overview

Case Number:



Appellate - 1st Circuit

Nature of Suit:

3410 Antitrust

  1. May 04, 2022

    Horse Racing Orgs Want Redo In 1st Circ. Bargaining Ruling

    Two horse racing groups asked the First Circuit to reconsider its April ruling that jockeys in Puerto Rico could collectively bargain for higher wages as independent contractors, saying the appellate court's decision sidesteps U.S. Supreme Court precedent.

  2. April 05, 2022

    Puerto Rican Jockeys Defeat Labor Antitrust Suit In 1st Circ.

    Puerto Rican jockeys fighting for higher wages and better working conditions notched a victory Monday in the First Circuit, which said the horse riders can collectively bargain even if they're considered independent contractors.