Carlos Vega, Petitioner v. Terence B. Tekoh

  1. June 23, 2022

    High Court Blocks Civil Miranda Suits Against Cops

    Police officers cannot be subject to civil liability for failing to warn criminal suspects of their right against self-incrimination, the U.S. Supreme Court's conservative majority said Thursday, holding that Miranda warnings are not a constitutional guarantee.

  2. April 20, 2022

    Justices Torn Over Civil Miranda Suits Against Cops

    The U.S. Supreme Court struggled during oral arguments Wednesday over whether its landmark Miranda ruling allows criminal suspects to file civil suits against police officers who don't warn them of their rights against self-incrimination.

  3. April 15, 2022

    Up Next At High Court: Miranda Warnings, Invalidated Rules

    The U.S. Supreme Court begins its final oral argument session of the term this week with technical legal questions facing nuclear cleanup workers and a veteran pursuing disability claims, as well as a circuit split over whether cops can be sued for not reading suspects their Miranda rights.

  4. January 14, 2022

    Justices To Rule If Cops Can Be Sued For Miranda Violations

    The U.S. Supreme Court said Friday that it'll hear a case asking whether police officers can be sued for monetary damages if they fail to read a criminal suspect their Miranda rights.