Livingstone v. Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District

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Case overview

Case Number:



California Southern

Nature of Suit:

Labor: Fair Standards

Multi Party Litigation:

Class Action


Janis L. Sammartino


  1. January 10, 2023

    Calif. Fire Dept. Settles Chiefs' OT Suit

    A California federal judge approved a settlement of more than $98,000 in a collective action brought by a fire department's battalion chiefs accusing the department of improperly classifying them as overtime-exempt, ruling the settlement is fair and reasonable.

  2. April 29, 2022

    Calif. Fire Dept Hit With Suit Over Chief's Denied OT Pay

    A town near San Diego has improperly treated fire department battalion chiefs as overtime-exempt for years, one former chief claimed in a complaint filed in California federal court.