Pawlik v. The Johns Law Firm, LLC

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Case overview

Case Number:



Texas Western

Nature of Suit:

Contract: Other


David Counts

  1. June 01, 2022

    Louisiana Firm Seeks End To Ex-Partner's Harassment Suit

    A now-defunct Louisiana law firm embroiled in multiple disputes stemming from its dissolution has asked a Texas federal judge to toss a lawsuit alleging it cut out a former partner and hacked his phone, arguing the suit is identical to existing ones and was filed in a bid to forum shop.

  2. May 11, 2022

    Louisiana Firm Hacked, Harassed Former Partner, Suit Says

    A lawyer and his client have asked a Texas federal judge to rule that members of the attorney's former firm aren't entitled to a contingency fee for an insurance dispute settlement, alleging the members cut the lawyer out of the firm, prevented him from communicating with clients and hacked his personal phone.