Amerinox Processing, Inc. v. NLRB

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Case overview

Case Number:



Appellate - DC Circuit

Nature of Suit:

Government Agencies

  1. April 07, 2023

    DC Circ. Backs NLRB Order Against Metal Co.

    The D.C. Circuit upheld a National Labor Relations Board decision finding that a metal company unlawfully fired and laid off union supporters, stating Friday that the company "gave no compelling reason" to overturn the board's rulings.

  2. September 22, 2022

    NLRB Overstepped With Novel Remedies, Co. Tells DC Circ.

    The National Labor Relations Board tried to discipline a metal company for prior transgressions when it ordered the business to provide a union with information about employees, the company told the D.C. appeals court, urging the court to vacate the ruling.