Yeshiva University, et al., Applicants v. YU Pride Alliance, et al.

  1. September 14, 2022

    High Court Tells Yeshiva University To Allow LGBTQ Group

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday narrowly rejected an emergency bid by Jewish-affiliated Yeshiva University to pause a New York trial court's order that it recognize a new LGBTQ student advocacy group, saying the school hasn't yet pursued all of its available options for fighting the decision in state court.

  2. September 09, 2022

    Sotomayor Lifts Order On Yeshiva U. Accepting LGBTQ Group

    U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Friday temporarily lifted an order requiring Yeshiva University to recognize a new LGBTQ student advocacy group until the full court can weigh in on a First Amendment dispute over the Jewish-affiliated school's refusal to accommodate the group.