NLRB v. J.G. Kern Enterprises, Inc.

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Case Number:



Appellate - DC Circuit

Nature of Suit:


Government Agencies

Sectors & Industries:

  1. May 16, 2024

    NLRB Tells DC Circ. Not To Rehear Stalled Bargaining Case

    The National Labor Relations Board urged the full D.C. Circuit to reject an auto parts manufacturer's request to reconsider a March decision upholding the board's ruling that the company unlawfully withdrew recognition from a United Auto Workers local, saying the company is mistaken that the board's ruling altered precedent.

  2. March 01, 2024

    DC Circ. Enforces UAW Bargaining Order With Auto Parts Co.

    The National Labor Relations Board correctly found that an automotive parts manufacturer stalled and improperly withdrew recognition from a United Auto Workers local after union certification, the D.C. Circuit ruled Friday, denying the company's request to challenge the ruling and granting the board's bid to enforce it.

  3. November 16, 2023

    DC Circ. Judge Says Challenged NLRB Precedent Not Dead

    The D.C. Circuit's longest-serving judge made clear Thursday morning that he wasn't buying the argument an auto parts manufacturer was selling in hopes of overturning a National Labor Relations Board finding that the company had unlawfully withdrawn recognition of its workers' union.

  4. July 06, 2023

    NLRB Tells DC Circ. Precedent Was Right In Bargaining Order

    The National Labor Relations Board has urged the D.C. Circuit to enforce a board order compelling an automotive parts manufacturer to work with a United Auto Workers local that it withdrew recognition from 13 months after union certification, fighting the company's argument that the board applied the wrong precedent.

  5. June 29, 2023

    Auto Parts Co. Tells DC Circ. NLRB Applied Wrong Precedent

    An automotive parts manufacturer urged the D.C. Circuit to ignore the National Labor Relations Board general counsel's defenses of a board decision finding that the company unlawfully withdrew recognition from a United Auto Workers local, saying the NLRB applied the wrong agency precedent.

  6. April 25, 2023

    NLRB Urges DC Circ. To Enforce UAW Bargaining Order

    The National Labor Relations Board called on the D.C. Circuit to back a board decision that found a manufacturer violated federal labor law by withdrawing recognition from a United Auto Workers local more than a year after the union was certified as a bargaining representative.

  7. February 28, 2023

    NLRB Chose Precedent For 'Predestined Result,' NRTW Says

    The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation told the D.C. Circuit on Tuesday that the National Labor Relations Board arbitrarily selected an agency precedent to achieve a "predestined result" in a dispute over a manufacturer's withdrawal of union recognition, echoing a former board member's dissent.

  8. February 22, 2023

    Manufacturer Challenges NLRB Ruling On Union Rebuke

    The National Labor Relations Board ignored its own precedent when it ruled a manufacturer unlawfully withdrew recognition from a United Auto Workers local, the company told the D.C. Circuit, saying the decision left "two tracks" of board law that will leave future litigants confused about which will apply.