Lackawanna Recycling Center, Inc., Petitioner v. William L. Burrell, et al.

  1. June 26, 2023

    Justices Won't Consider Ending Pa. Prison-Labor Lawsuit

    The U.S. Supreme Court won't hear a Pennsylvania recycling center's bid to stop a lawsuit over its use of $5-a-day prison labor, after the Third Circuit revived three prisoners' claims that they were denied minimum wage and pressured into taking the job as a condition of their work-release program.

  2. June 09, 2023

    6 Wage-Hour Cases The Supreme Court May Hear

    Cases addressing joint employment, class action certification, how to determine when employee protection laws apply and COVID-19 hazard pay for federal workers are some of the many matters vying for review in the U.S. Supreme Court. Here, Law360 presents six wage and hour petitions pending before the high court.