International Longshore and Warehouse Union

  1. February 22, 2024

    Longshore Union To Exit Bankruptcy With $20M Settlement

    A California bankruptcy judge Thursday approved the International Longshore and Warehouse Union's request to dismiss its own bankruptcy after okaying the union's settlement of a long-running legal dispute with a shipping company that had driven it into insolvency

  2. February 01, 2024

    Longshore Union Reaches $20M Deal In Port Boycott Case

    The International Longshore and Warehouse Union has agreed to pay a port operator $20.5 million to settle a decade-old lawsuit accusing the union of engaging in an unlawful boycott of the company during a labor dispute, the two sides announced Thursday.

  3. December 07, 2023

    Judge Says Stay Of Bankrupt Union's Appeal Not Her Call

    A California bankruptcy judge told an attorney for a bankrupt union Thursday that while she agreed insolvency law did not prevent the group's Ninth Circuit appeal of a National Labor Relations Board decision from going forward, that call is the Ninth Circuit's to make, not hers.