John Hall, et al v. Millersville University, et al

  1. January 11, 2022

    3rd Circ. Undoes School's Win In Title IX Dorm Murder Suit

    The Third Circuit on Tuesday reversed a summary judgment that freed Millersville University from a Title IX suit by parents who claimed it failed to protect their daughter, who was murdered by her boyfriend in her dorm room, saying the school was on notice that a non-student visitor's conduct could violate Title IX protections.

  2. October 01, 2021

    3rd Circ. Preview: Insurance Drives Ch. 11, Antitrust Cases

    Insurance matters figure largely in the Third Circuit's October argument lineup, which will find panels examining Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP's involvement in future asbestos litigation claims and delving into Blue Cross's denial of heart monitor coverage.