Mercedes-Benz US International Inc et al v. Inteva Products LLC et al

  1. October 26, 2023

    Mercedes-Benz Factory And Supplier Free Of $33M Fire Suit

    A manufacturing facility and supplier that provided vehicle parts to Mercedes-Benz escaped a $33 million Alabama federal suit brought by the automaker and its insurer over a factory fire, after a judge ruled all damages had been fully paid for.

  2. August 09, 2023

    Mercedes-Benz Supplier Defends Contract Clause In $33M Suit

    A Mercedes-Benz supplier urged an Alabama federal court to reject an argument by the automaker's insurer that a force majeure clause in the supplier's contract can't defend it in a $33 million suit brought by the automaker and the insurer over a factory fire.

  3. July 17, 2023

    Mercedes-Benz Suppliers Want Out Of $33M Factory Fire Suit

    A manufacturer and supplier that provided vehicle parts to Mercedes-Benz U.S. International Inc. are seeking to escape a $33 million suit brought by the automaker and its insurer over a factory fire, arguing the pair have no valid claims against them.

  4. March 30, 2023

    Mercedes-Benz Limited In Factory Fire Damage Suit

    Mercedes-Benz U.S. International can only seek $1 million in damages from a manufacturer of magnesium cross-car beams after a factory fire, down from $33 million it had been seeking against the manufacturer and another supplier, an Alabama federal judge said.