Twitter, Inc., et al., Petitioners v. Mehier Taamneh, et al.

  1. December 07, 2022

    SG Asks Justices To Overturn Terror Aid Decision

    Twitter, Facebook and Google are not the kind of "culpable actors" that Congress had in mind when it expanded the Antiterrorism Act of 1990 to allow victims of terrorism to seek damages from those who aided or abetted an attack, the federal government has told the U.S. Supreme Court.

  2. November 29, 2022

    CORRECTED: Tech Giants Urge High Court To Toss Terrorism Aid Case

    Twitter urged the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday to toss a Ninth Circuit decision holding it can be sued, along with Facebook and Google, for allegedly aiding an ISIS attack in Turkey, saying the ruling "breaks sharply from the well-established legal framework for aiding and abetting," exposing businesses to "staggering terrorism liability."

  3. November 04, 2022

    The Supreme Court's Week: By The Numbers

    This past week saw arguments in two highly anticipated cases over affirmative action at colleges and two more involving post-conviction relief for prisoners, as well as a protest that interrupted the justices' consideration of a tax case. Here, Law360 Pulse takes a data-driven dive into the week that was at the U.S. Supreme Court.

  4. October 04, 2022

    The High Court Cases Threatening Big Tech Immunity

    The tech world has been waiting with bated breath to see whether the U.S. Supreme Court would reconsider the broad immunity currently enjoyed by internet giants like Google and Twitter under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. But now that the justices have decided to review the protections, the industry must wait to find out what that means for the companies and the millions who use them.