State of West Virginia, et al v. EPA, et al

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Case Number:



Appellate - DC Circuit

Nature of Suit:


Government Agencies

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  1. September 17, 2019

    DC Circ. Tosses Clean Power Plan Challenges

    The D.C. Circuit on Tuesday tossed legal challenges to the Obama administration's signature climate change plan, accepting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's argument that because it has replaced the regulations, the litigation is moot.

  2. July 31, 2019

    EPA Supports Bid To Ditch Clean Power Plan Litigation

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday added its voice to a chorus calling for the D.C. Circuit to formally end litigation over an Obama-era power plant regulation that has been rescinded and replaced by the Trump administration.

  3. July 26, 2019

    Don't Kill Clean Power Plan Case, Backers Tell DC Circ.

    A coalition of states, cities, counties and environmentalists on Friday asked the D.C. Circuit to keep alive litigation over the Obama-era rule slashing greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants, saying it would be premature to end it. 

  4. July 16, 2019

    Clean Power Plan Foes Say New Rule Kills Court Case

    Challengers of the Obama administration's Clean Power Plan asked the D.C. Circuit late Monday to put out of its misery long-delayed litigation over the rule slashing greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants, since the Trump administration has finally released a replacement rule.

  5. September 17, 2018

    EPA Poised To Replace Clean Power Plan, DC Circ. Hears

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Friday urged the D.C. Circuit to reject a bid by Clean Power Plan supporters to decide the merits of the rule, saying its proposed replacement should be finalized by the first part of 2019.

  6. September 04, 2018

    CPP Case Delays Must End, Supporters Tell DC Circ.

    Clean Power Plan supporters urged the D.C. Circuit on Tuesday to finally decide the merits of the rule, arguing that the Trump administration doesn't deserve any more time to craft a potential replacement, especially since what's been proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is weaker than the CPP itself.

  7. July 11, 2018

    4 Kavanaugh Arguments You Gotta Hear

    President Donald Trump's nomination of D.C. Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh to a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court has sent everyone scrambling to read what the jurist has written, but how about what he's said? Here, Law360 presents an interactive audio tour of four key Judge Kavanaugh arguments.

  8. June 26, 2018

    DC Circ. Judges Losing Patience With EPA Over CPP Delay

    The D.C. Circuit on Tuesday agreed to give the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 60 more days to figure out what it wants to do with the Clean Power Plan, but three judges said this could be the last extension they vote for.

  9. January 30, 2018

    NJ Withdraws From Suit Opposing Clean Power Plan

    New Jersey on Tuesday pulled out of a multistate lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency seeking to undo Obama-era regulations that would limit greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, with Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy calling the suit "completely contradictory" to the state's values.

  10. January 17, 2018

    States Oppose EPA Bid For Time In Clean Power Plan Row

    Several states, local governments and environmental groups on Wednesday asked the D.C. Circuit to restart litigation over the validity of the Clean Power Plan, saying that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's request to keep the case in suspended animation isn't justified.