November 02, 2024
TGI Friday's Inc.
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
- Brown Fox PLLC
- Eversheds Sutherland
- Foley & Lardner
- Kramer Levin
- Kurtzman Steady
- Linebarger Goggan
- Martyn & Associates
- Munsch Hardt
- Norton Rose
- Perdue Brandon
- Ropes & Gray
- Ross Smith & Binford
- Sheppard Mullin
- Singer & Levick
- Spencer Fane
- Stark & Stark
- FTI Consulting Inc.
- Kimco Realty Corporation
- Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust
- Simon Property Group Inc.
- Stretto Inc.
- Texas Partners Bank
- TGI Friday's Inc.
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
January 06, 2025
Giuliani's Held In Contempt, Terraform Founder Denies Fraud
A Manhattan federal judge held Rudy Giuliani in contempt over a $148 million defamation judgment, after the former New York City mayor cited memory lapses during questioning about the case. Terraform Labs founder Do Kwon was arraigned in New York and denied orchestrating a $40 billion fraud, with a follow-up hearing scheduled for Jan. 8. Celsius Network appealed a Delaware bankruptcy judge's decision to deny its amended $444.6 million claim against FTX.
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