Rodriguez v. Nike Retail Services, Inc. et al

  1. April 26, 2021

    Nike, Retail Workers Reach $8.25M Bag Check Deal

    Nike Retail Services has agreed to pay $8.25 million to settle workers' claims that it didn't pay them for time spent waiting for end-of-shift security checks, according to a Friday settlement filing in California federal court.

  2. September 13, 2017

    Nike Employees' Wait Time Ruled Trivial In Bag Check Suit

    A California federal judge on Tuesday granted Nike summary judgment in a class action alleging unpaid wages, ruling that retail workers hadn't proven they spent more than a few seconds of off-the-clock time going through security checks.

  3. August 10, 2017

    Nike Says Security Video Will Sink Workers' Bag Check Suit

    Nike's retail stores unit urged a California federal judge at a hearing Thursday to throw out allegations it cheated workers out of pay for time spent waiting during end-of-shift security checks, arguing it has 700 hours of security footage showing the checks only took seconds and the dispute shouldn't go to trial.

  4. August 19, 2016

    California Nike Workers Get Class Cert. In Bag Check Suit

    Nike's retail stores unit will have to face employees accusing the company of cheating workers out of pay they should have received while waiting for end-of-shift security checks after a California federal judge found Friday that the employees' claims could be handled as a class.