California Grocers Association v. City of Montebello

  1. May 07, 2021

    California Grocers Change Strategy Over City's 'Hero Pay' Law

    The California Grocers Association updated its lawsuit challenging a city ordinance that mandates premium pay for workers during the coronavirus pandemic, shifting from attacking the law on its face to challenging how it applies to the group's members and their collective bargaining.

  2. April 02, 2021

    Calif. City Says NLRA Doesn't Preempt Hazard Pay Ordinance

    The city of Montebello, California, asked a federal judge to toss a grocers association's suit challenging an ordinance that mandates hazard pay for grocery store workers during the coronavirus pandemic, saying federal labor law does not preempt the requirement.

  3. March 08, 2021

    Grocery Workers Union Asks To Join Fight Over Hazard Pay

    A union representing grocery and drugstore workers asked a California federal court to join a lawsuit over COVID-19 hazard pay to better represent the interests of its members and to assert its right to advocate for such emergency legislation.