Dylan Brandt, et al v. Leslie Rutledge, et al

  1. September 22, 2023

    Access To Justice Cases To Watch This Term

    In the term beginning next week, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to return to some of the most hot-button issues concerning civil rights: guns, free speech, race discrimination, and potentially more.

  2. November 16, 2022

    8th Circ. Won't Redo Ruling On Trans Youth's Sex Bias Win

    A divided Eighth Circuit on Wednesday rejected a request by the state of Arkansas to revisit its August decision upholding a preliminary block on the state's law banning transgender health care procedures for minors, with five judges registering their dissent from the appellate court's decision.

  3. October 14, 2022

    State AGs Tell 8th Circ. Youth Transition Ban Isn't Sex Bias

    A Republican coalition of states led by Alabama's attorney general asked the full Eighth Circuit to review a preliminary block on Arkansas' state law banning transgender health care procedures for minors, arguing a panel overstepped by holding the statute to higher scrutiny just because treatments depend on a person's sex.

  4. August 25, 2022

    8th Circ. Affirms Trans Youth's Sex Bias Health Care Win

    The Eighth Circuit on Thursday affirmed a preliminary block on an Arkansas state law banning transgender health care procedures for minors, holding a lower court didn't err in finding those who sued to permanently stop enforcement were likely to prevail on claims of unconstitutional sex discrimination.