District 4 Lodge of the International Association, et al v. Center for Biological Diversity, et al

  1. July 13, 2022

    1st Circ. Keeps Seasonal Closures On Maine Lobster Fishing

    The First Circuit on Tuesday vacated a lower court order blocking the National Marine Fisheries Service from enforcing limits on lobster fishing off the coast of Maine during winter months to protect North Atlantic right whales, rejecting the fishers' argument that data showed no whale presence in the restricted area.

  2. January 19, 2022

    1st Circ. Urged To Keep Maine Lobster Fishing Limits In Effect

    The federal government and a trio of environmental groups urged the First Circuit to vacate a lower court's order forbidding the National Marine Fisheries Service to enforce limits on lobster fishing off the coast of Maine to protect North Atlantic right whales.

  3. November 17, 2021

    1st Circ. Clears Federal Limits On Maine Lobster Fishing

    The First Circuit on Tuesday allowed the National Marine Fisheries Service to enforce a rule limiting lobster fishing off the coast of Maine, saying the agency is following its congressional mandate to protect endangered North Atlantic right whales.