County of Sacramento v. Everest National Insurance Co.

  1. February 17, 2023

    Policyholders Can Learn From 9th Circ. Willful Acts Ruling

    The Ninth Circuit's recent ruling upholding the application of a California statute that prohibits insurance coverage for willful misconduct in a retaliation suit against sheriff's office employees will embolden carriers to push for its application, experts say, but the decision also provides some important lessons for policyholders.

  2. February 13, 2023

    9th Circ. Upholds No Coverage For Sheriff Discrimination Suit

    An excess insurer isn't on the hook for costs a California county incurred defending a retaliation suit against employees in the sheriff's department, the Ninth Circuit ruled Monday, agreeing that a state law banning carriers from covering a policyholder's willful misconduct applies.

  3. January 24, 2023

    9th Circ. Doubtful Of Coverage For Sheriff Retaliation Claims

    A Ninth Circuit panel seemed unpersuaded by Sacramento County's argument that its insurer should foot the bill for the settlement of retaliation claims brought by four Sheriff's Office employees on the grounds that a California law that bars coverage for willful misconduct is inapplicable.

  4. January 23, 2023

    9th Circ. Set To Examine Scope Of Covering Willful Acts

    Whether an insurance company should cover a policyholder's willful misconduct will take center stage in two cases before the Ninth Circuit in the coming weeks, with legal experts eager to find out how liberally the court says a state statute can be construed. Here, Law360 breaks down the cases ahead of oral arguments.

  5. January 02, 2023

    General Liability Insurance Cases To Watch In 2023

    The first half of this year is poised to produce general liability coverage rulings that are sure to raise eyebrows on both sides of the insurance bar. Here, Law360 takes a look at some pivotal cases to watch in the first half of the year.

  6. August 02, 2022

    Insurance Group Tells 9th Circ. No Coverage For Retaliation

    An insurance trade group and carrier urged the Ninth Circuit to affirm a ruling barring an excess insurer from indemnifying the county of Sacramento for a judgment concerning employee retaliation allegations, saying the lower court correctly applied a California statute that prohibits indemnification of losses caused by willful acts.