Refresco Beverages US Inc. v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 997

  1. December 14, 2021

    Teamsters Local Wins Worker's Reinstatement At Bottling Co.

    A Texas federal judge awarded a partial win to a Teamsters local in a wrongful firing case Tuesday, ordering a soft drink bottler to rehire a worker who'd been let go after accusations of antagonizing his co-workers. 

  2. October 18, 2021

    Teamsters And Bottler Ask For Wins In Reinstatement Row

    A Teamsters local urged a Texas federal judge to grant its bid to uphold an arbitrator's award requiring a soft-drink bottler to rehire a worker accused of spreading false rumors about co-workers, disputing the company's claim that the award violates a labor contract and conflicts with laws against workplace harassment.

  3. April 12, 2021

    Bottling Co. Says Arbitrator Couldn't Make It Rehire Worker

    An arbitrator "effectively rewrote" a labor contract when he ordered a soft-drink bottling company to rehire a worker fired for allegedly spreading a false rumor that a coworker was having an affair, the company argued in a lawsuit filed in Texas federal court.